Townhall Titans/Games: Attend and actively participate in bi-weekly Solana Name Service townhalls to provide insights and share updates.
Spaces Speakers: Join Twitter Spaces or other live sessions, contributing as panelists or engaging attendees with questions and comments.
Local Legends & Event Ambassadors: Organize or participate in regional meetups and blockchain events to onboard new users, promote .sol domains and engage with attendees to spread awareness of the Solana Name Service in local and global communities.
Content Creators内容创作者
Guide Gurus: Create step-by-step tutorials or blog posts on registering, managing, and using .sol domains.
Reel Revolutionaries: Produce short, engaging videos for social media to highlight the benefits of .sol domains and their integration with Solana tools.
Thread Weavers: Write informative Twitter threads or posts that break down complex concepts into digestible content for the community.
Community Connectors社区沟通者
Question Masters: Help answer community inquiries on Discord, Twitter, or forums, ensuring a welcoming and knowledgeable environment.
Onboarding Allies: Guide new users through their first .sol domain registration and integration.
Partnership Scouts: Identify projects or organizations that could benefit from .sol domain integration.
Feedback Specialist问题反馈专家
Bug Busters: Report bugs or issues encountered in the Solana Name Service ecosystem.
Creative Innovators创意点子贡献者
Design Dreamers: Develop unique graphics, memes to promote .sol domains creatively.
Case Storytellers: Highlight real-world success stories of individuals or businesses using .sol domains.
Code Crafters: Build or suggest new tools and applications that enhance the functionality of .sol domains.
Engagement Boosters参与促进者
Referral Rangers: Drive domain registrations by sharing personalized referral links and helping onboard new users.
Challenge Creators: Launch fun contests or challenges within the community to encourage participation and engagement.
Influence Igniters: Collaborate with influencers or community leaders to amplify the reach of .sol domains.
Leadership Pathfinders领导力开拓者
Ambassador Mentors: Guide new ambassadors through their first few months, offering tips and encouragement.
Visionaries’ Voices: Propose new campaigns, tools, or initiatives to enhance the ambassador program and community impact.