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X Handle Registration

SNS is a primitive of Solana that allows the mapping of names to a Solana account. This permits many things including associating your Twitter handle to your Solana address.

Twitter handles & .sol domain names

Both Twitter handles and .sol domain names are a part of SNS, yet are slightly different. A Twitter handle can only be claimed by the owner of the Twitter account. In order to guarantee this, the user needs to tweet the wallet address they want to associate with the account and then sign a transaction using the same wallet address.

To send and receive payments via your Twitter handle, you need to register it at

First, connect your wallet

You can only have one Twitter Handle registered per wallet address

Make sure to have enough SOL in your wallet. Registering your Twitter handle costs ~ 0.01 SOL

Select "Claim Twitter handle" and the steps will be outlined below. Click "Tweet" to start the process

Next, you will be redirected to Twitter and prompted to tweet the message

If your wallet is not connected, the address will be "undefined" and not linked to your profile

Once tweeted, copy the link of your tweet, go back to our website and paste it

Select "Claim Twitter handle" and approve wallet transactions. Your Twitter handle is now registered

When signing the transaction make sure that you are signing with the correct wallet i.e. the same address as the one you tweeted

Unregister your Twitter handle

If you want to link a new or different handle to a wallet address that already has a Twitter handle linked, you would first have to unregister the current handle. There are two options to unregister your Twitter handle

Option 1

Go to and select "Unlink"

Be sure to have your wallet connected to the site

Option 2

Go to your profile page by selecting the icon next to your wallet address in the top right corner. Once on your profile page select the "x" next to your Twitter handle

And confirm that you want to unregister your Twitter handle

Your SOL will be returned after unlinking your Twitter handle

Follow the steps above to register another Twitter handle again. Remember only one Twitter handle per wallet address is permitted

Last updated