Discover Domains

How to find your perfect domain

Search for a .sol domain name by visiting

You can either search directly from the landing page or opt to go to the browse domains section where you will find already registered domains

Domain names are only available in lowercase

Under the browse domains section be sure to make use of the filters to ease your searching experience

The Browse section also reveals a Bulk Search button. Here you can search multiple domains at once - you can either separate the domains by a comma or space

The SNS search bot has some awesome capabilities that really take the thinking out of your domain search. The bot allows you to add topics of interest and it'll go ahead and generate name ideas that have not yet been registered

3. Search via Certified Sellers

Alternatively, you can search for domains by our “Certified sellers” Select "Community" in the header and then "Certified sellers" to browse through their collections

Become a certified seller

  1. Own at least 10 domains

Apply for verification

To apply open a private ticket on SNS Discord server. Please post the link to your SNS profile page and customer support will assist you. Requests can take 1-2 days to receive an approval

To become a certified seller you cannot have any suspicious domain names; these include names with improper Zero Width Joiners (ZWJ) and domains that include profanities, racist and homophobic slurs

4. Disclaimer: Certified Emojis & Variation Selectors

Certain emojis or domain names can include a variation selector (unicode): U+FE0F or U+FE0E, which is used by your browser to know whether the emojis should be displayed as texts or images. However, some emojis are displayed the same as text and image. This can lead to people owning different domain names that read the same (e.g 😀 with and without a variation selector).




Grinning Face





Some people may use these unicodes to scam and mislead buyers. That is, selling a domain name that perceives to be legitimate by eye, but after inspection, prevails to be a domain with a fake version of an emoji, for example.

In an attempt to prevent users from getting scammed by these domains, the marketplace by default does not show domains with suspect unicodes, unless searched for directly and our site wikl display a warning sign.

Currently emoji domains are following the Unicode Consortium 15.1.0

Last updated